Grand parenting is probably the most wonderful vocation in the world! I have two wonderful Grandchildren, who keep me busy and hopefully young, if only in spirit! Together we spend as much time as possible in the back yard each day, playing tag, swinging or just pushing the youngest around in the stroller, (won’t be long and he’ll be too big for such a thing, he’s just turned one) anyways, when I have time I also like to garden, since my main focus is on the Grandchildren, you know where it hasn’t been! So now you know the condition of my flower beds.

Being a New Englander, fall is a beautiful time of year, the cool air, the beauty of the brightly multicolored foliage, I love it, but I must admit that I’m always sad to see the flowers stop blooming for the year. I try to prepare myself for this sad reality every year as the temperatures drop especially when we’re entering November, but to no avail, however, this year something almost miraculous has occurred, something I’ve never seen before, not that it couldn’t have happened prior to this year, it’s just that I have never noticed it.  While I was playing with the children I noticed my dianthus was actually blooming well after they should be sleeping, hearing that the weather was going to bring snow, I took a picture of it for face book, assuming it would die because of the snow. Yes indeed, we’re facing snow but the flowers fight on! Who would believe that we still have flowers in N.H. in November! I was inspired! I went looking for more and found this blue flower blooming out in the woods!

Taken Nov 8, 2012

Assuming the flowers died in the snow, I was pleasantly surprised this past week as I walked around my yard, what did I find?

Yup that’s right the Dianthus was still fighting for its life, then I noticed the feverfew was also fighting the elements to survive! (See picture below) How awesome is that? As I took the pictures I was so elated to see such life in the Garden this time of year, I soon began to realize it’s a life lesson. How many of us will fight the elements of this world, everything that is thrown at us in the daily storms of life, like,  anger,  greed, lust etc. the financial instability of this world and sometimes weathering the mundane aspects of life  to be the  ambassadors of God in this world?  I wondered if I had what it took to battle through the difficult times reaching, stretching, struggling for the one who created me and called me by name, who gave his only unique son for me? For all of us, allowing the rays of his Love to warm me and cause me to bloom in the midst of overwhelming odds? Would I be willing to fight through anything to blossom in his presence, to represent him to those who surround me? I most certainly pray I do and will.

This seems to me to be a modern day living example of that Parable told by Jesus/Yeshua a long time ago! The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13:8-23, who spreads his seeds onto different types of soil and how they grew. Even as in Jesus’ story only a few grew into the fullness of what they were called to be, so you will notice only a few of these flowers bloomed through the most difficult of circumstances, when all the other flowers said enough, they persisted in living, they fulfilled their calling, one of beauty in a time of desolation, one of inspiration, reaching towards that which gives them life.  May we all be good soil for Yeshua/ Jesus seed!     “To Life”!

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